Say what you will, but nothing beats the comfort of a pair of Crocs. Since February this year, PayFast has paired with Crocs to spread this comfort to more people all over South Africa. It’s been a perfect pair destined for a great partnership.
Why PayFast?
Crocs’ web controller Allen Hendricks explains that the move to PayFast was effortless and the option to sign up online or call the PayFast team to chat through their needs made the decision a ‘no-brainer’. What made the decision even easier is the fact that there are no monthly fees and merchants don’t require a merchant bank account to sign up.
What are Crocs fans saying?
According to Hendricks, since switching to PayFast Crocs has received compliments about their online service. Customers love the reliability, security and easy checkout process provided by PayFast. What’s more, customers love the fact that they can choose to pay using a debit or credit card.
Is PayFast your perfect pair?
Definitely. Hendricks explains that eccommerce is a sticky issue especially when it comes to choosing a payment processing service. Crocs is very popular with older generations and they sometimes scare away from purchasing online. However, since using PayFast they’ve seen a huge increase in older shoppers using our online store because of PayFast’s simplicity and clear payment instructions.
Would you recommend PayFast?
Absolutely says Hendricks. Crocs belong to the Aries group that houses the ever-popular Birkenstock shoe brand. Due to the success of Crocs pairing with PayFast, Birkenstock will also be choosing PayFast once their website goes live.
PayFast aims to give their merchants peace of mind when using their service and Crocs has flourished since becoming a merchant. So it’s safe to say these two are a match made in heaven.
Are you looking for that special something for your online business? Reach out the PayFast Team and let’s chat about a future together.