At PayFast we’ve decided to do something that we’ve never done before, something that’s exciting, relevant and real. Something that shines an unfiltered light on the interesting and diverse range of merchants who have partnered with PayFast as their online payment provider.
We’ve launched a new campaign called “Do What You Love. But Get Paid” that showcases PayFast merchants who have turned their passions and hobbies into thriving business ventures. We visited and interviewed 10 of our merchants at their place of business to get a true sense of what they do, and why they love doing it.
Find out more about some of the merchants below and watch their videos to find out how they are getting paid for what they love doing.
Lucky & Lou
Lucky & Lou is a chic dog-wear boutique that materialised out of Lou’s love for her dog Lucky, aka “the Luckster”. One winter’s night Lou noticed her Jack Russel looking rather cold and miserable and decided then and there that not just any generic paw-printed dog jersey would do for her best four-legged friend. This inspired her to create and start selling stylish dog jerseys through Lucky & Lou, her online store that accepts online payments with PayFast.
Find out more about Lucky & Lou here.
BROKE is not your average clothing brand; it’s an embodiment of South African youth culture. The idea for the clothing brand was conceived by Andile and his fellow “Broke Boys” in 2016, however it was only in December 2020 during lockdown that the brand officially launched online and in a select few physical stores. BROKE’s urban clothing line is influenced by 90s street culture and is intended for South Africa’s youth who refuse to conform to the norm.
Find out more about BROKE here.
The Shala
Yoga has always been Tamisn’s passision, which led to her opening The Shala, a beautiful yoga studio in Cape Town, in 2007. To survive lockdown, The Shala started offering high-quality online classes led by Tamsin, her husband Thomas and their team of skilled yoga instructors. Their clients can book and pay for live classes via PayFast on the Shala website, as well as access 24 hour recordings to practice yoga at their own convenience.
Find out more about The Shala here.
Mungo and Jemima
Marian co-founded Mungo & Jemima in 2008 with the vision of creating a space for proudly South African designers to showcase and sell their unique clothing ranges. Her physical clothing boutique quickly became known as the home for some of the country’s most loved clothing brands, including Marion’s own range of GOOD Clothing. In 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Marion launched the Mungo & Jemima online store, which accepts payments through PayFast and has an extensive catalogue ranging from clothing to jewelry and bags.
Find out more about Mungo and Jemima here.
Ukhamba Beerworx
In only a few years since it launched, Ukhamba Beerworx has become one of South Africa’s most popular black-owned craft and lager breweries. Ukhamba was founded by Noluyanda and her partner Lethu when they decided to turn their beer making hobby into a business. What makes their beer so special is that it’s made using a traditional Sorghum beer recipe of the Nguni people of Southern Africa. Ukhamba opened their online store in 2020 with the PayFast integration as a means of surviving lockdown.
Find out more about Ukhamba Beerworx here.
JEFF Fitness
Johno is a top sports conditioning coach who transformed his JEFF Fitness (JEFF stands for Johno’s E-fitness Faculty) business from an on-demand in-person fitness service into an online global sensation almost overnight. During lockdown, Johno and his wife led an at-home Facebook live-stream workout that quickly attracted a global community who were keen to follow his workout plan from the safety and convenience of their own homes. Johno and his team grew and now manage their clients through their website that integrates with PayFast to accept once-off and recurring billing payments.
Find out more about JEFF Fitness here.
We truly enjoyed putting this campaign together and hope it’ll inspire you to turn your hobby or idea into a profitable business.
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