As what has become a proud PayFast ‘giving back’ tradition, we kicked off 2020 by donating a total of R60,000 to three PayFast registered causes: Adopt a Pet, PATCH and Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust.
For the past few years, every December we select viable candidates from the PayFast Cause Index and give our active merchants the opportunity to vote for the cause or charity that most resonates. The three causes with the most votes receive a financial donation from PayFast. This time around, we put five causes up for vote, giving the top three causes the opportunity to receive a R20,000 donation each from PayFast.
This year’s top candidates were chosen for the significant contributions that they are making to their communities. Adopt a Pet provides a second chance to homeless and/or neglected animals, PATCH provides a safe haven for sexually abused children, and Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust assists and empowers adult rape and sexual violence survivors. You can find out more about each cause below:
Adopt a Pet
Adopt a Pet is a no kill, privately run non-profit organisation which rescues destitute dogs and cats. The animal sanctuary was founded by Cicely Blumberg, who has a passion for animals and educating the public on the importance of being humane and compassionate towards animals.
You can find out more about Adopt a Pet on their website, Facebook page and PayFast Cause page.
PATCH (Prevention And Treatment of Child sexual abuse in the Helderberg) is a non-profit organisation that provides a holistic set of services to the survivors of child sexual abuse. The response includes assessment, therapeutic interventions, court preparation and a 24-hour crisis line. All services are provided by a skilled team of registered social workers and social auxiliary workers.
You can find out more about PATCH on their website, Facebook page and PayFast Cause page.
Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust
Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust is a non-profit organisation that works towards promoting safety in communities and reducing the trauma experienced by rape survivors. This is achieved by empowering women, promoting gender equality, strengthening the criminal justice system and actively addressing flaws in legislation.
You can find out more about Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust on their website, Facebook page and PayFast Cause page.
We are grateful to our merchants who took the time to vote for their favourite cause. We believe that our financial donations will help these admirable causes continue their important work in the year to come. We wish Adopt a Pet, Patch and Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust, as well as all the other PayFast registered causes, a successful 2020 in driving positive social change in South Africa.
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