Blog » Small Business Friday happening on 6 September 2019

Small Business Friday happening on 6 September 2019

Every year on the first Friday of Spring we take time out to recognise the important role that small businesses play in our economy. Not only are they the pillars of our community in providing employment opportunities, but we also all know that ‘local is lekker’.

We want to invite you to join us in the Small Business Friday drive on Friday 6 September to support local businesses. As a customer, all you need to do is shop local to increase the small business’s customer base and help drive their sales. This will greatly benefit the growth and longevity of the small business.

Other benefits of shopping at a local small business is that:

  • It’s convenient as they’re in your local community
  • They offer that personal touch
  • They often offer unique products/services
  • You’ll be making a positive impact on the economy
  • Your purchase has a positive impact on the business owner, the employees, their families and the community

If you run a small business, join the Small Business Friday movement by creating a special event or an awesome one-day-only special on 6 September 2019. In the lead up to the day, promote your special to your client base and on social media using #SmallBizFriday.

Small Business Friday was launched eight years ago by the National Small Business Chamber (NSBC) to encourage shoppers to support small business. Year on year it has grown in popularity and has become South Africa’s biggest small business movement.

At PayFast, we are dedicated to helping online merchants improve their cash flow by accepting a variety of trusted payment methods on 80+ platforms, including leading ecommerce shopping carts such as Shopify and WooCommerce.

Let us know on Facebook and Twitter what you will be doing to celebrate #SmallBizFriday.